Caprice Crane

Caprice Crane is a screenwriter/TV Writer/Internationally-Bestselling Novelist known for her insightful and relatable comedy. Her television credits include the 90210 reboot (2008 - 2009) as well as t
سن :54

مشهور در فیلم های :
فیلم های این هنرمند :
تهیه کننده (3)
2007 Passing the Time Passing the Time ( فیلم کوتاه )

1998 MTV Revue with Ozzy Osbourne MTV Revue with Ozzy Osbourne (قسمت ویژه سریال)

1998 MTV Revue with Ice Cube MTV Revue with Ice Cube (TV Short)

کارگردان (1)
خودش (1)
نویسنده (11)
دست اندرکار (1)