2001 The Concert for New York City

?  |   |  مستند موزیکی  |  October 20, 2001  |  ساخت (United States)
IMDb Rate امتیاز:
IMDb Rate امتیاز: 6.5/10 از 898 نفر  
rotten Rate
rotten Rate % امتیاز کاربران: N/5 از 11 نفر
rotten Rate 0% امتیاز: N/10 از 0 منتقد   blank0 blank0
blank مناسب برای دانلود : هنوز تعیین نشده blank

This concert took place at Madison Square Garden, shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Highlights include "New York State Of Mind" by Billy Joel, "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who, "I Want Love" by Elton John, and "Freedom" by Paul McCartney.

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